Documentation and records keeping- Full day workshop
Documentation and records keeping- Full day workshop
How confident do you feel in your own and your team’s documentation? Is each person’s record keeping a strong link in a chain of communication? Does it make it easy to respond to complaints? Will it protect individuals and the team against litigation?
This highly interactive day-long workshop is designed to give staff in care settings who document their actions as part of patient care more confidence in their documentation skills.
On completion of this workshop the learner should know
Have a clearer idea of how they can improve their documentation skills Current experiences and perceptions of record keeping.
What does good documentation do? What does it look like?
What are the key principles of good documentation?
Who are you writing for?
What do you include? What do you leave out?
Subjective vs objective writing.
Amending records.
Legislation and record keeping.
Menad training provides consultancy and training services to customers in care settings.